Week starting 19 Nov

Mushroom risotto

Lamb flatbreads (Good Food 30 min suppers)

Weds lunch
Eggy bread, fried banana & blueberries & honey

mushroom & pepper cheesy omlette

Weds tea/eve
Tofu kebabs with cherry tomatoes, courgette, yellow pepper & tomato salsa & couscous

Fishcakes, chips & salad

Fri lunch
Soup & rolls

Fri tea Pasta with tuna, tomato, parmesan & olives

Fri eve
Chargrilled lime chicken & rice (Good Food 101 healthy eats)

Sat lunch 
Hotdogs or chunky homemade vegetable soup
BBC Good Food versatile veg soup recipe

Sat tea
Vegge lasagne

Sun lunch
Filled pasta

Sun tea
Roast pork & all the trimmings


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