Bean stew & dumplings

Based on Guardian recipe

1 onion
1 small potato
1 carrot (optional)
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
pinch chilli flakes or finely chopped fresh chilli
Gently fry together to soften
Add 1 sprig thyme
Pour in 500 ml vegetable stock (or up to 1 litre if cooking bigger portion)
Add can of plum tomatoes
Bring to boil then reduce to simmer
Drain & rinse beans - small can red kidney beans & full size can borlotti beans
Add beans & stir

Make spinners
Mix 100g plain flour, pinch salt, pepper & sprig thyme leaves
Add 50-60ml water
Mix to form stiff but not cracking dough
roll into small balls & drop into the soup

Simmer for 15 mins until the beans break down to thicken the soup & the spinners are cooked through.

Optional: fry bacon until crispy & smash to sprinkle on top


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