w/c 4 March

w/c 4 March
Salmon noodle soup (or
Turkey & leek pie (recipe)
Filled pasta or pasta with fresh pesto
Mackerel in oats with wholemeal bread & cornichons
Veggie lasagne, baked apples & custard
Slow roast lamb with cannellini beans, homemade apple pie

lunches at home:
boiled eggs & soldiers
crunchy topped cod with roast tomatoes (500 great recipes)
chicken or lamb skewers with red pepper & pineapple

tapas - any of:
patatas bravas, chorizo, prosciutto, squid rings, prawns baked in wine or sherry, garlic & chilli, manchego, olives, preserved artichokes, roast peppers, ciabatta, sausage baked in passata, tomatoes & garlic


Nigel slater's lamb
Turkey pie - BBC (omit ham & cream etc)
Jamie Oliver's Salmon & potato al forno 


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