week starting 17 Dec

Mon eve
Salmon in ciabatta with rocket salad

Tues eve
Artichoke risotto with lemon & peas

Weds lunch
Frittata with spring onion, broccoli, tomato & cheese

Weds tea/eve
Cheese corn & broccoli pasta (Recipes for kids pg.106)
Courgette & lemon linguine (30 min suppers pg.124) with courgette, garlic, lemon, chilli & fresh basil

Thurs eve
Fish pie (shop bought?)

Fri lunch
Tuna sweet potato jackets, with tuna, red onion,lime & greek yoghurt (& coriander to garnish) (30 min suppers recipe pg.72)

Fri eve
Grilled avocado, shrimp & mango salsa (the Giraffe family cookbook pg.49)
followed by cheese, biscuits & grapes

Sat lunch
Roast veg burrito (Giraffe cookbook pg.99)

Sat tea/eve
Tandoori chicken skewers with cucumber riata (the Giraffe family cookbook pg.34)

Sun lunch
Healthy grilled 'fry up' with tomatoes, mushrooms, eggs & vegge sausage

Sun tea/eve
Lamb chop tagine with minted fluffy couscous (the Giraffe family cookbook pg.88)


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